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Working in Norway

Published: 17. December 2024

Are you looking for a job? Here is a simple overview of everything you need to know as a job seeker in Norway.

Residence permit

You need a residence permit if you come from a country outside the EU/EEA and are going to work in Norway. The residence permit is valid for a limited period and can usually be renewed. If you have stayed in Norway long enough and meet other conditions, you can obtain a permanent residence permit.

For more information about the application processes, required documents, and processing times, you can visit the website of the Directorate of Immigration (UDI).

Look for a job on your own


You can apply for vacant positions at - NAV’s job database. At, you will also find more detailed information about looking for a job in Norway, how to contact employers, get your education recognised and what you need before you start working.

Job advertisements online

Most positions in Norway are advertised on websites such as:

Help to find a job

If you don’t succeed in finding a job on your own, NAV can provide information, guidance and various measures to help you find a job. If you would like to receive help from NAV, you must register as a jobseeker at so that NAV can assess your need for help from NAV.

Paying tax when you work in Norway

The welfare system we have in our society, such as schools, hospitals and elderly care, cost money. Everyone helps to pay for our welfare system by paying tax, but not everyone pays the same amount of tax. Read more about tax in Norway, tax deduction card and tax return at

Recognition of foreign education

You must be authorised to work in some professions in Norway. Read more about how to apply for recognition of foreign education at

Career guidance from the county authority 

Do you need help to make good, well-informed choices about education, training and work? You can get career guidance from the county authority. Career guidance is free for anyone over the age of 19. Career guidance will help you to see your education, training and work opportunities more easily.

Your rights and obligations in the workplace

It is important for you to know about the rights and obligations that apply in your employment relationship. 

The Labour Inspection Authority website provides important information about your rights and obligations in working life, details about minimum wage, compensation for working overtime and employment contracts. This website is an important resource to ensure that, as an employee, you are well informed about the regulations and requirements that apply in Norway.

Trade unions – work for your rights in the workplace

Trade unions (employee organisations) shall safeguard your rights, assist you in wage negotiations, and help you if you are in disagreement with your employer.

Read more about trade unions at

Aids and adaptation in working life

NAV Technical Aids Centre can provide advice and guidance on technical aids and adaptation of the physical working environment. This also applies where the employer is responsible for financing the equipment or adaptation.

Adaptation can be both an ergonomic measure or an aid, such as braille display or software.

The right to aids and guidance on adaptation in the workplace applies whether you are a jobseeker, an employee, self-employed or receiving work assessment allowance. 

An electronic ID gives you online access to public services

An electronic ID gives you access to online services from local and public authorities. For example, you can visit the Tax Administration’s website to apply for and change your tax deduction card and change your address.