Tax in Norway

Published: 17. December 2024

The welfare system we have in our society, such as schools, hospitals and elderly care, cost money. Everyone helps to pay for our welfare system by paying tax, but not everyone pays the same amount of tax. If you earn a lot, you pay more tax. If you don’t earn a lot, you pay less tax.

In Norway, everyone who has a job must have a tax deduction card. The tax deduction card is an electronic document that shows your employer how much tax they should deduct from your pay. In March or April of the year after you have worked, you will receive a tax return. The tax return is an overview of what you earned and owned in Norway and abroad in the previous year. 

You must check your tax return and make changes if there is information that is incorrect. You will then receive a tax settlement that shows whether you have paid too little or too much tax. If you have paid too little tax, you must pay what you owe. If you have paid too much tax, you will get a refund.

Identity number in Norway (d-number and personal ID number)

An identity number is a unique number that everyone in Norway gets. The identity number is used to identify you and to give you access to many services in Norway. There are two different types of identity number: D-number and personal ID number. 

When you register as an asylum seeker in Norway, you will be given a D-number. A D-number is a temporary identity number. If you are granted protection (asylum) in Norway, you will be given a personal identity number.

Information for those who are asylum seekers from Ukraine

You will find important information about displaced persons from Ukraine at Read more here about Norwegian identity numbers, change of address, tax, using a foreign-registered car and how to obtain an electronic ID. 

Do you have any questions? Contact the Norwegian Tax Administration.

Do you want to learn more about tax?

Take the Norwegian Tax Administration’s course for people who are new to Norway.

In the course, you will learn more about the tax system, what Norway spends tax revenue on and about your rights and obligations when you work. The course is divided into several parts, and a video has been made to cover each part.